Friday, July 14, 2017

Day 12: Yellowstone, WY July 11, 2017

We woke up early and had snacks for breakfast in the car. We drove to Lamar Valley and saw lots of bison. There were some crossing the road and some babies nursing. There were lots of little babies. We kept driving and saw a field of them along with pronghorn. They were not as close so it was not as great. Then, we drove to Mammoth Hot Springs and had a picnic lunch in the grass in front of the Visitor Center. We walked over and sat near the elk and watched them for an hour. They were beautiful and some even had babies. We took the scenic drive and saw a deer grazing. We drove back to the campsite and talked with our neighbors from Florida, who were very nice. Her sister lives in CDM, small world indeed. We went to Grand Prismatic Spring at sunset, it was beautiful!! We saw a little geyser erupting on the side of the road. We headed out to Old Faithful and arrived a little too late to watch it erupt. We left Leia in the car since it was cold and walked to the Inn and had a great dinner at the Old Faithful Inn. It was a great buffet with lots of vegetables and delicious soups. The desserts and mashed potatoes were the best. We drove back to camp and went to bed.
Lamar Valley in the early morning.

The bison were everywhere!! Loved watching them roll in the dust patches!

Elk at Mammoth.
Mammoth Hot Springs 
Grand Prismatic Spring
Thermal Pools at Sunset 
Old Faithful as the sunsets. This was 9:15.

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